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First Name Last Name Location ID Certifications
Naneth Ruiz Winston-Salem, NC BC-TMH-1113 BC-TMH
Michelle Gross Winston-Salem, NC BC-TMH-1447 BC-TMH
Michelle Gross Winston-Salem, NC BCC-0211 BCC
Christopher Gambill Winston-Salem, NC BCC-1096 BCC
Lori Hauswirth Winston-Salem, NC BCC-1760 BCC
Linda Smith Winston-Salem, NC BCC-3366 BCC
Diana Paige Bentley Winston-Salem, NC BCC-3631 BCC
Barbara Knapper-Bolden Winston-salem, NC GCDF-4389 GCDF
Nedra Dozier Winston-salem, NC GCDF-7769 GCDF
Janet Carlton Winston-salem, NC GCDF-13571 GCDF
Monique Wagner Winston-salem, NC GCDF-14199 GCDF
Jasmine Talley Winston-Salem, NC GCDF-15146 GCDF
Robert Wooden Jr Winston-Salem, NC GCDF-16060 GCDF
Amber Sluder Winston-Salem, NC GCDF-17291 GCDF
Christina Clarke Winston-Salem, NC HS-BCP-0870 HS-BCP
Nathaniel Ivers Winston-Salem, NC HS-BCP-1517 HS-BCP

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